Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Meet the pilots of Season One in the MO' (Murder Onyx), a Class III stadium out in the Reaches, Solaris VII.

Murder Onyx was completed in 3052 to accommodate the growing Class III fights; specializing in teams, deathmatch and individual four+ mech king-of-the-hill fighting.

 In 3054 the MO' broke into holovid/Tri-vid market and has been stuck in a Sunday morning timeslot between the Lightning Dogs cartoon, local news and Poli-Vids.
Though sales of toys, t-shirts and holo-pics of pilots have been decent, the arena hasn't been able to break through and into off-world markets, let alone a proper time slot on Solaris. This in turn has hurt with the odds makers and making real money with the arena. 

The shadowy owners of the MO' are hoping to move up in time slots, steal market share and acquire a class IV license this season, 3055. The pilots that occupy the Murder Onyx are low-level scum gladiators eking out a life in the Reaches (outskirts of Solaris). All are known to frequent the Class III arena in between Cathay/Reaches/Silesia, with hopes to break into the more popular Solaris stadiums to further progress their careers.

Zelazni Stables

Affiliation: Capellan Confederation

Colors: Blue and Copper

Badge: Blue mech/Copper background

Reputation: Victor Zelazni owner and Stablemaster plays all the angles, and this season has introduced one of his newer gladiators, Sinia Dubrovnik, who is an up-and-comer, into the MO' to get a feel for her.
 Victor is also scouting talent out within the arena in general. The Stable itself is known for its law-abiding attitude, within the arena. 
Gladiators from Zelazni prefer physical attacks to bring their opponent down. That primary fighting style is often why members of the stables gunnery skills are underestimated. The hatchet is an often used weapon during close combat. 
Being Zelazni, the Stable and it's pilots have ample reach when it comes to mechs to choose from, and with Jay Rivo, a former Waco Ranger as head mech tech, has allowed for interesting interpretations, additions and constructions of mechs for combat in the arenas' on Solaris. It is rumored of late (3055), that contact may have been made with black marketeers and the Gibson Freedom League. A mech of unique quality may have been acquired. This is only rumor.

Mechwarrior: Sinia Dubrovnik 

Mech: NightSky "Flamin' Nun"- A bad habit I just can't quit.

           Buccaneer "The 8th Dimension" - a prototype Zelazni has acquired from the 
Gibson Freedom League. 

White Hand Stables

Affiliation: Davion

Colors: Tan, Red, White and Blue!
Badge: White hand

Reputation: Bad ass wealthy bastard son, what do you think? 

MechWarrior: Alexander Rostovson
 Favored bastard son, given an allowance after demonstrating his skills with a mech. Winning victories and glory for himself and profits for his father.

Aspiring to move up through the arenas and starting his own mercenary lance with the winnings.

Mech: Wolverine "Afternoon Delight"

Wins: Season 1: Episodes: 1 & 2

                 The Silhouette Stables 

Affiliation: The Magistracy of Canopus

Colors: Black and white 

Badge: The silhouette of a beautiful woman.
Reputation: The Silhouette's are known for for their hedonism and physical beauty as much as their prowess in the arena. But what would you expect from the Magistracy...

MechWarrior: Reaper
 - she plans on fighting and partying her way to the top..

Mech: Griffin

Blackstar Stables 

Affiliation: Federated Suns
Colors: Black / Copper 

Badge: A black compass star against a copper field. 

Reputation: Blackstar Stables has been steadily growing thanks in part to current owner Drew Hasek-Davion. While having no actual claim to the Davion name, it does provide the stable with it's fill of the latest and greatest. Armor and weapons tweaked every which way by weapon's master Erin Cornsbuck can catch even the most seasoned veteran off guard. Though other stables may have more style or skill, Blackstar's tech is hard to overcome.

 Mechwarrior: Baddicus O'Shea
 ...Is a lover of all things. He is the first to come to the aid of a friend, and the last to leave the bar at night. O'Shea won't say much about his previous military experience, other than to say he was discharged under “less than favorable” circumstances. His jovial exterior hides a nimble mind, and his considerable size belies his quick reflexes.

Mech: Lynx (owned by Esmerelda)


  1. Any medium up to 3055. We're playing in Kai Allards time.
    Class III Arena.
    It's loose. As long as no one is bringing anything absolutely crazy.
    And the last 2 weeks have been "repair" weeks with Urbie and Hunchback rentals for fights while the real machines are in the shop.


Meet the pilots of Season One in the MO' (Murder Onyx), a Class III stadium out in the Reaches, Solaris VII.

Murder Onyx was completed in 3052 to accommodate the growing Class III fights; specializing in teams, deathmatch and individual four+ mech ...